We’ve just updated gSiteStats to version 1.2 and added new stats for you: Operating System, Mobile and Browsers Versions. You can find the new version on your Windows Phone Marketplace or here.

gSiteStats – Google Analytics Client for Windows Phone
We are proud to announce the release of our new Windows Phone application: gSiteStats.
gSiteStats is a Google Analytics client for Windows Phone ready to deliver your website’s statistics on the go, right on your home screen. With an intuitive user interface and a vast range of options and statistics, it’s never been easier to quickly check your website’s progress and success!
• Intuitive user interface, interactive charts at your disposal and themes support;
• Multiple live tiles with your website’s stats pinned right to your home screen;
• Customizable background task agent that periodically refreshes your tiles (YOU choose when the agent updates your tiles and what should be displayed);
• Theme aware: matches your phone’s selected theme colors;
• On demand stats: you select what type of stats to view;
• Quick or full stats? Your pick! You can see just a couple of quick stats or go nuts for a full report;
• Worrying about your cellular data plan? Worry no more, since you can tell gSiteStats to only use a Wi-Fi connection when updating tiles;
• Event tracking support: do you keep track of particular behaviors, clicks, custom actions and the like? gSiteStats easily displays them for a more in-depth analysis;
• Pick a quick date-time interval or select a specific period and gSiteStats will grab every statistic for you to mull over;
• gSiteStats will deliver website statistics such as: Visits, Unique Visits, Page Views, Pages/Visit, Avg. time on site, Bounce Rate, New vs Returning, Visits Sources, Pages Visited, Duration, Keywords, Referrals , Site Speed (page load time, page download time, server response time, server connection time, domain look up time, redirection time – unique statistics you will not find elsewhere), Countries, Browsers, Events – the full shabang!
• gSiteStats uses the latest security standard for the login process (OAUTH 2.0) and, of course, no login information is saved on the phone – so, relax and enjoy the spreadsheets.
• Double tap the main chart to display it in full screen;
• Tap the pie charts to see the delicious numbers;
• Want to see more Top stats? Go to Settings->Reporting and select how many items to display;
• Tap the box icon with the arrow pointing up to show the full report.

Comments Manager updated to v1.1
WordPress Comments Manager v1.1. is out!
Here is what’s new in this version:
- Full Windows Phone 8 support
- Windows Phone 8 new feature: lock screen notifications on new comments
- Fixed crash when trying to read a comment with invalid url
- Minor Performance Improvements
You can grab the new version from here

WP Comments Manager
Today we are very proud to announce the release of our first Windows Phone application that binds your WordPress based blogs with your Windows Phone.
Now you can manage your blog comments directly from your Windows Phone device and get notificati Approve, unapprove, mark as spam, edit, delete, trash or just reply to comments right from your pocket.
• batch edit multiple comments
• background task agent to periodically check for new comments
• multiple blogs support
• pin your blogs to start screen and let comments manager do the rest
• keep sending toasts notifications until the comments are synced
• encrypted connection to prevent packet-sniffing software from reading your sensitive data *
• gravatar enabled, you can see users avatars along the comments (optional)
• push notifications for instant tiles update and toast messages (optional) *
• no notifications on trackbacks or pingbacks (optional) *
• comments on closed posts are not downloaded (optional) *
and more…
Comments Manager for WP is also a “Cellular Data Friendly App”:
• Background agent can be turned off automatically when Wi-Fi connection is not enabled;
• Gzip compression is used when grabbing comments (if the blog supports it) substantially reducing data usage and speeding up the performance
• Option to download avatars only over Wi-Fi
• Limit the number of downloaded comments
* this option is available only on WordPress v2.9 or newer by installing a free plugin for WordPress

Using IssProc with NSIS to detect files in use
Although IssProc was specially designed for Inno Setup scripts, you can also use it with other setup scripts like NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System)
Here is a few steps you need to do in order to use IssProc with NSIS to detect if any of the application files are in use, the application(s) that keeps the file(s) locked/in use will be listed:
1. Extract/Copy IssProc to the nsis plugins temp folder
File "IssProc.dll" ; copy iss proc to plugins temp folder
2. Enable the “any file type in use” feature for the destination folder only.
3. Check for locked files (in use) in the destination folder:
;IssFindModule returns: 0 if no module or file in use found; 1 if cancel pressed; 2 if ignore pressed; -1 if an error occured
IntCmp $0 1 is1 is0 is2
Goto setup_continue
;SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_CLOSE} 0 0
Goto setup_continue
System::Free 0
Delete $PLUGINSDIR\IssProc.dll ;remove the module or just let nsis remove it...
Download the complete nsis setup project along with the IssProc extension from here.

IssProc (DLL Component) Launched
IssProc is a user friendly “file in use” extension for Inno Setup (or other setup builder application like NSIS) that can be used to detect if a certain application (exe, dll module, ocx and so on) or any o ther file type is opened, in use, before continuing with the actual setup, avoiding unnecessary reboots.
Why should I need to detect if a certain file is in use ?
Files-In-Use functionality is among the countless services that Windows Installer exposes for setup authors to leverage for their application install/maintenance. This functionality lets setup authors display the processes that hold on to files that would be updated by the install. The user would want to shut those processes before continuing with the install to ensure that the install wouldn’ t require a reboot. This is what IssProc can do for your setups when installing/uninstalling your application files (executables/plugins/shell extension/ocx and any other file types) with just two lines of additional code added to your setup or application script.
• customizable interface (you can modify the default english Files-In-Use dialog captions or wizard image)
• multiple file search (a list with file names and/or path to be checked can be used)
• wildcard file match ( * = matches any characters, zero or more times ; ? = matches any character, one time )
• exact folder match (detect if your file is in use only from a specified folder )
• any file in use detection (not just executables or dll libraries)
• both 32 and 64 bit applications detection (Vista, Win7 & XP x64 ) even if your setup is 32bit
• both ansi and unicode support
• user friendly: applications are displayed along with their icon, possibility to show the found application main window
• possibility to end the detected process forced (right click on process for more options)
• very easy to use and free for non-commercial applications.
• IssProc is a stand-alone component, does not require any other files to work.
• It uses the drivers on Win32/64 platforms so there are no special library/driver requirements.
• It can also be used from any programming/scripting language that can make WINAPI calls like: Delphi, C++Builder, C#, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic. NET, VBA, PowerBuilder, Visual Foxpro, Clari on and so on.

Subs Grabber Quick Fix
New Subs Grabber quick fix has been released.
If you have auto updater enabled Subs Grabber will let you know if you
Download latest Subs Grabber from here (install over the old one)

Subs Grabber special discount
Exclusively for our blog readers, we offer a special discount of -30% for Subs Grabber until 30 Jun, 2010. Yes, that’s right, 30% off!
To take advantage of this discount simply follow this link to purchase Subs Grabber for only 4seohunt.com/www/rlbyte.com. 10.50 EUR.
If in the above direct link does not already apply the discount coupon then simply copy and paste SG-11062-30 in the “Discount coupon” box, hit the apply button and your are ready to checkout!
Remember: this special discount is valid until 30th of Jun, make sure you use it before the dead line.
Subs Grabber can be used to search for and download subtitles. It is an automatic subtitle downloader that browses the most popular websites finding subtitles in any language for movies and telev Providing a friendly interface with different visual styles, Subs Grabber will be the perfect tool for subtitle searching and matching of your favorite movies. You cand find more info/screenshots on Subs Grabber here.

USBPhysic updated to v1.1.0
Today we’ve released a new updated version of USBPhysic (v1.1.0)
Here is what’s new in this version:
- improved hardware serial extraction in Vista and Windows 7.
- you don’t need o have your application elevated anymore in Windows Vista or 7 when admin rights required.

HDDPhysic v1.1.0 is released!
Today we’ve released a new updated version of HDDPhysic (v1.1.0)
Here is what’s new in this version:
- improved hardware serial extraction in Vista and Windows 7.
- you don’ t need to have your rlbyte.com.ebozavr.com application elevated anymore in Windows Vista or 7 when admin rights required. Now it works even with a guest
- fixed a crash with Windows 2000 when using a guest account type
- fixed a crash while debugging your application linked to HDDPhysic inside Microsoft Visual Studio environment
- minor speed upgrade when extracting hdd manufacturer info